If you don’t believe that conventional food and allopathic medicine in the USA are the main causes of disease and disorder, then ask yourself, what changed over the past 30-plus years? Preventable diseases and disorders have skyrocketed, so you can’t blame genetics, like most medical doctors always do.
Let’s start this off with attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD) diagnoses, which are off the charts, up more than 800 percent since 1990 (the increase more than doubles every 5 years). What changed? Could it be all the industrial-based colorings in food, drinks and candy? Could it be all that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) spiking hyperactivity and thus feeding the inability to sit still in a chair and learn anything?
Could a major cause of ADD and ADHD be way too many stimuli from all the video editing, social media and psychological advertising propaganda? Maybe it’s the dumbed-down core curriculum in public schools, with no challenging concepts, critical thinking skills engaged, or outside-the-box cognition. Add to the mayhem a massive increase in
misdiagnosis and medication errors for ADD and ADHD, at a whopping 300 percent. One in every 10 kids are now “diagnosed” with ADD or ADHD. It’s a big food and big pharma racket that just keeps getting worse by the day.
Next comes Alzheimer’s disease, a rotting of the brain disease that has skyrocketed by 300 percent in the past 35 years. What changed? Certainly, millions of American’s genes didn’t suddenly become defective in one generation, so let’s not go there. Is it the aluminum in food, water and vaccines? Is it mercury in fish, flu shots and dental fillings? What about all those toxic chemical pesticides on conventional crops? Or the fluoridated water? Maybe it’s all that plaque build-up in the brain from eating canola oil, margarine, saturated fats and now the Covid clot shots.
Adulterated food, beverages, prescription medications and dirty vaccines driving disease and disorder rates through the roof in the USA over past 3 decades
Autism rates are up over 2000 percent in the past three decades. What’s that all about? When the CDC increased the childhood vaccine schedule from 15 vaccines to 65 vaccines or more by age 6 in the 1990s, autism rates went through the roof. Now that the Covid clot shots add to the mayhem of CNS disorders, chronic inflammation and the absolute destruction of good gut bacteria (namely bifidobacteria), expect autism rates to keep climbing, possibly even faster. Don't forget about massive pesticide and glyphosate consumption and GMOs.
Chronic fatigue syndrome has skyrocketed over 11,000 percent since 1990. Fibromyalgia is up over 7,000 percent since 1990. Depression and anxiety have escalated nearly 300 percent. Can you say clot shots five times without getting tired and depressed?
Diabetes cases are up 300 percent in three decades. Nearly
40 million Americans have diabetes -- that’s one in ten people, and 20 percent of them don’t even know it, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Continuation). About 100 million American adults have prediabetes, meaning they’re on the verge of having full-blown diabetes if they don’t change their diet drastically. The cost is over $400 billion annually. Their health risks include blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, cancer, stroke and loss of limbs, fingers and toes.
Bipolar disease in youth is up over 10,000 percent in just three decades. Anyone know the cause of this? Are medical quacks blaming this on genetics also? Maybe the diagnosis is the fake claim of “chemical imbalance” in the brain, that’s already been debunked by science. Maybe the youth are quick to jump to get angry and frustrated because social media has them brainwashed to hate themselves and everyone who doesn’t agree with them on everything. Seems to be the trend these days.

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NaturalMedicine.news for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma products that cause, spread and exacerbate disease and disorder.
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